Copyright © 1995-2025, Scott Bradford Creative Enterprises.
Unless otherwise noted, content on this website is licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 License. Under this license, you are free to share for non-commercial use without modification as long as you give appropriate credit. Read the license for further details.
Some content may be licensed under other terms, which will be clearly described beneath that content. To discuss licensing options, please contact Scott Bradford using the information on the contact page.
The SBCE logo (“stylized S”) and the terms “Scott Bradford: Off on a Tangent,” “Scott Bradford Creative Enterprises,” “Scott Bradford CE,” “SB Creative Enterprises,” and “SBCE” are trademarks of Scott Bradford Creative Enterprises.
Refer to the Credits and Attribution page for more details about the components, tools, fonts, icons, and images that have been incorporated into this website and the terms under which they have been used.
Authorship and Independence
Unless otherwise noted, the content on this website is my original work, and the views expressed therein are mine and mine alone. I do not accept unsolicited outside content or content-for-pay. Any contributions by other creators, including machine learning systems, will be clearly labeled as such.
I do not accept any payment, goods, or services from any company, association, charity, political party, or political action committee in return for writing on this web site. Potential conflicts of interest are noted whenever they arise.
Off on a Tangent is published by Scott Bradford in Chantilly, Virginia, USA. It is subject only to the duly-enacted, constitutionally-permissible civil laws of Loudoun County, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the United States of America.
It is not subject to laws enacted by these governments outside the authorities granted to them by the consent of the people. It is not subject to the laws of any other country, state, or locality. It is not subject to laws that conflict with the higher laws of God and nature.
Scott Bradford is a Latin Rite Catholic who is bound by all duly-enacted decrees and canon laws promulgated by the Holy See or the Bishop of the Diocese of Arlington, and complementary norms enacted for the United States by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Any disputes relating to the use of this site or the content therein shall be adjudicated in the appropriate civil or canonical jurisdictions described above. By using this site, you waive any objection to this statement of jurisdiction.
Civil Authorities
Canonical Authorities
National canonical norms:
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Advertisements may appear on Off on a Tangent. Advertisers contract directly with third-party advertising services and exert no influence on the site. Off on a Tangent opts-out from political, sexual, and religious advertising; if you see an ad in these categories, please copy its URL and send it to me.
Anything you submit to Off on a Tangent isn’t private. If you want something to stay private, don’t put it on the Internet.
Orders, Subpoenas, and Warrants
Orders, subpoenas, warrants, and other legal or law-enforcement inquiries relating to Off on a Tangent are described below:
- As of March 3, 2025: No applicable orders, subpoenas, warrants, or inquiries.
The warrant canaries on this page are updated about once per month. If they are not updated for more than two months, or if a particular line item isn’t updated at the same time as the others, or if this section is suddenly removed, it may indicate that I have been placed under a “gag order” or other restriction.
Federal, Virginia, and Local
- As of March 3, 2025: No federal court orders
- As of March 3, 2025: No federal subpoenas
- As of March 3, 2025: No federal search warrants
- As of March 3, 2025: No federal law-enforcement inquiries
- As of March 3, 2025: No national security letters
- As of March 3, 2025: No Virginia court orders
- As of March 3, 2025: No Virginia subpoenas
- As of March 3, 2025: No Virginia search warrants
- As of March 3, 2025: No Virginia law-enforcement inquiries
- As of March 3, 2025: No local law-enforcement inquiries
Other Governments
- As of March 3, 2025: No subpoenas from other U.S. states
- As of March 3, 2025: No search warrants from other U.S. states
- As of March 3, 2025: No law-enforcement inquiries from other U.S. states
- As of March 3, 2025: No subpoenas (or equivalents) from foreign governments
- As of March 3, 2025: No search warrants (or equivalents) from foreign governments
- As of March 3, 2025: No law-enforcement inquiries from foreign governments
Civil and Other
- As of March 3, 2025: No legal notifications from web service providers
- As of March 3, 2025: Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) notices and take-downs:
- Twenty-nine notices have been filed against videos posted by Scott Bradford on YouTube. All these claims were invalid; the affected videos were permissible under “fair use” or other provisions of U.S. copyright law. Each claim was challenged and later dropped or withdrawn by the claimant.